Armstrong Fluid Technology MEA Marks World Environment Day

Armstrong Fluid Technology MEA marked World Environment Day 2024 with team-building exercises dedicated to cleaning up the local environment.

World Environment Day, which is celebrated annually on June 5, is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. This year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted the global celebrations. Armstrong’s MEA team took part in a litter pick-up around the office site, to promote environmental awareness and demonstrate Armstrong’s ongoing commitment to sustainability.

For 90 years, Armstrong has pioneered innovative, intelligent fluid-flow technologies that provide the industry’s most energy-efficient design solutions.

“Armstrong has long been a leader in environmental sustainability” states Executive Chairman, Charles Armstrong. “Since 2013, our Planet Proposition initiative has been dedicated to helping customers reduce their respective carbon footprints, while we work to minimize our own environmental impact.”

In 2018, Armstrong announced its ‘2 by 22’ initiative, to reduced greenhouse gs emissions among its global customer base by 2 million tons by 2022. By January 2022 the goal had already been reached and surpassed. Achieving the goal was equivalent to taking 485,000 cars off the road for a year, or off-setting the average annual CO2 emissions generated by 100,000 people.

In 2021, Armstrong also became the first in its industry to receive the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development, the most prestigious award in the UK for business.

To date, Armstrong’s further sustainability efforts have included:

  • A series of webinars, case studies and white papers to educate customers and end-users about embedded carbon reduction, energy savings and other sustainability issues.
  • Creating ‘Sustainability Teams’ at every location to monitor energy savings, reduce the company’s and individual’s carbon footprint, and implement ongoing sustainability initiatives.
  • Engineering superior energy savings and carbon reduction into the design of every Design Envelope solution.


Steve Cooper, Director of Sustainable Design at Armstrong Fluid Technology, commented “You cannot improve one thing by 1000% but you can improve 1000 little things by 1%.”

“At Armstrong, environmental stewardship is an integral part of our purpose and mission,” Executive Chairman, Charles Armstrong emphasized.


Armstrong Fluid Technology MEA Marks World Environment Day