Banque BEMO offers Cedar Trees to Lebanese abroad

In a ceremony held at Beit Kanz, a prominent architectural and cultural hub in Beirut, 100 cedar trees were allocated in a draw to 100 Lebanese individuals living abroad and not having a father of Lebanese nationality. The event was attended by the Ambassador of Argentina to Lebanon, journalists, editors, NGOs, previous edition winners, and Banque BEMO family.

The “Back to Our Cedar Roots” initiative aims to strengthen pride in Lebanon, foster a sense of belonging among the Lebanese diaspora, and shed light on the injustice faced by Lebanese women who cannot pass nationality to their children.

During the ceremony, Dr. Riad Obegi, Chairman of the Board at Banque BEMO, welcomed and addressed the audience, stating, “The Lebanese nation extends beyond its borders, and includes millions of Lebanese across the seas and oceans. At BEMO, we believe it is our duty, beyond self-interest, to contribute to restoring trust and connecting with all Lebanese. By symbolically showing our distant relatives that they are part of the Lebanese house under the branches of the Cedar, and by addressing the injustice towards our daughters, we fulfill our duty. Until now, our daughters tend to inherit less than our sons, and our sons can transmit citizenship but not our daughters.”

Dr. Obegi added, “Fighting injustice and being compassionate is the safest way towards a new, better and grander Lebanon.”

In her recorded and moving testimony, Olivia-Yasmina, a participant in the initiative, whose mother is Lebanese and her father is English, shared the difficulties faced by her when living in Lebanon. She emphasized the need to raise awareness about this important cause, as it concerns everyone and the future of the country, expressing hope that the issue will be resolved one day.

The event was live-streamed, enabling the participants and the diaspora to engage and witness the ceremony and the draw in real time.

Banque BEMO takes this opportunity to reaffirm its beginning of the year’s statement “2023 is the year of Revival II”.


Banque BEMO offers cedar trees to Lebanese abroad