DiGen Art Gallery launches “Digital.ME”: An Open Call for the digital artists from the MENA region

DiGen Art Gallery launches “Digital.ME”: An Open Call for the digital artists from the MENA region

DiGenArt is excited to launch “Digital.ME”; an open call to digital artists across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to participate in the upcoming exhibition at the gallery in Beirut.
Creative coders, Artificial Intelligence (AI) artists, illustrators, photographers, and all other types of digital artists are invited to apply to show their artwork in this groundbreaking group show.
The artists are invited to explore the subject of self-representation in the digital age, pushing the boundaries of figuration while embracing new genres and techniques.
The artworks will be showcased across screens, projectors, and in print formats.
• Submission deadline: Sunday 24 March 2024
 Visit https://digen.art/exhibition/digital-me/ for detailed submission guidelines


DiGen Art Gallery launches “Digital.ME”: An Open Call for the digital artists from the MENA region