Dubai International Program for Writing Winds up Illustration Workshop for Children’s Stories

The Dubai International Program for Writing (DIPW), one of the leading projects of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF), concluded the ‘Illustration Workshop for Children’s Stories.’ The workshop, which was held in four stages with the participation of aspiring creators, sought to hone the talents in the children’s book industry. It offered participants vital knowledge in the areas of artistic expression, stories, and illustrations to encourage reading habits in society and allow creators to present stories in an innovative and interesting way. 

His Excellency Jamal bin Huwaireb, CEO of the Foundation, said: “At the MBRF, we follow a distinctive approach that focuses on empowering the youth, further motivating them to express their creativity and attain their full potential in writing. We understand the significant role of art and literature in developing young talents and promoting creativity in them. The workshop reflects our relentless efforts to develop and refine the creative skills of the youth and boost their capabilities in the realms of writing and drawing. With its inspiring and motivating learning environment, the workshop offered an ideal setting for participants and professionals to share expertise and knowledge in order to advance creative awareness among emerging generations. The workshop was held in line with our efforts to encourage literacy and creativity in our society in order to support our overall strategy to improve people’s lives by enhancing their abilities and raising their level of cognitive awareness. We have been dedicated to nurturing young talent and providing them with educational opportunities that help create a generation that is creative and capable of creating a bright and inspirational future.”

With an emphasis on analyzing the optimum interaction between text and image, the first part of the workshop began with an introduction to the categories and specifics of children’s books. The workshop offered participants the fundamentals of illustration and bookmaking and concentrated on helping them stay away from typical errors and broaden their range of manual and digital illustration methods. As part of the course, participants were taught how to create scenes and sketch characters, which helped them advance their technical abilities.

In the second part of the workshop, participants were given the opportunity to work on integrated projects created from selected stories produced by DIPW. These projects encompassed tasks like thoroughly analyzing stories and participating in practical training, thus making sure that the participants benefited from the program.

In the third phase, participants developed the ability to finalize initial story scenes, allowing them to advance to the final phase, which focused on coloring and final design. Participants produced exceptional work at the workshop’s conclusion, showcasing their imagination and skills in illustrating children’s stories. In the later stages, participants learned the fundamentals of using graphic design software like Photoshop, Procreate, and Krita, as well as the standards for the creation of book covers and their production.

The workshop was aimed at helping participants develop and improve their technical skills and boost the quality of artistic production for children, thus significantly advancing the promotion of a culture of reading and creativity among future generations. It is also a remarkable addition to the knowledge and art system of the region and marks an important phase in the advancement of young talents in the field of children’s writing and illustration.

The MBRF conducted the workshop under the guidance of the trainer, Fatima Alameri, who has long-standing expertise in the field of painting and writing children’s stories. It was organized in line with the MBRF’s knowledge strategy, which aims to advance literacy and creativity in society, further encouraging participants to use their imagination and creative thinking to turn their stories into captivating illustrations.

Dubai International Program for Writing Winds up Illustration Workshop for Children’s Stories