“Le Grand Spectacle” by Toni Makhoul: “A message of love and peace from Beirut to the world”

“Le Grand Spectacle” by Toni Makhoul a title that summarizes decades of musical composition and artistic and interactive direction by the renowned artist. A mixture of musical colors and artistic dances from around the world brought together on the stage of Casino du Liban on the 10th and 11th of November 2023.

Makhoul, whose musical compositions are all original, have always reflected the reality of peoples and sent sentimental messages through his music to spread peace and love to the world along with the culture of joy over suffering and pain.

From these two concerts Makhoul wants to break the pattern of despair, loss, and depression that people of the world and our Arab region in particular suffer from, in a time when we all need “A new Dawn” and this is the title of one of the show’s pieces.

The audience is ready to witness a world-class concert, distinctive and unique, of a magnitude that is rarely matched even in shows spread around the world.

This show was admired by many, noting that it played at the historical Opera House in the Romanian capital, Bucharest, where the newspaper L’Orient Le Jour wrote at the time, “Toni Makhoul Le futur Yanni libanais.” The future Yanni of Lebanon (translated from French).

More than 100 artists, including musicians, dancers and singers, participate in this show, in addition to a distinguished technical and artistic team behind the scenes.

Commenting on the awaited show, Toni Makhoul said: “Lebanon’s true identity is culture, art and music, and Lebanon will remain a message of love and peace and a source of hope for the present and future, despite all the challenges.”

Tickets are available at the Ticketing Box Office website of all Virgin Megastores branches in Lebanon and At Casino du Liban theatre.

“A message of love and peace from Beirut to the world”“Le Grand Spectacle” by Toni Makhoul