Lebanese Diaspora Leads the Charge: LIFE’s Impact on Education in Lebanon

Lebanon is at a critical crossroads, with its youth bearing the brunt of an unprecedented economic crisis. Amid this turmoil, a beacon of hope emerges from across the globe – the Lebanese diaspora. Through the transformative efforts of LIFE, a global network of Lebanese professionals, the diaspora is empowering a generation to rise above adversity and build a brighter future for their homeland.
Since 2019, Lebanon has faced severe economic challenges that have profoundly affected education. Currently, 31% of Lebanese youth are out of education or employment, and enrollment in educational institutions has plummeted from 60% in the 2020-2021 academic year to just 43% this year. This crisis has not only intensified financial and academic pressures but also exacerbated mental health issues among students and their families.[1]

Since its inception in 2009, LIFE, led by the Lebanese diaspora, has been committed to supporting Lebanon’s higher education sector, with more than 1,100 students enrolled in its education programme. In 2023 alone, LIFE supported 425 students, out of which 80% are based in Lebanon. This ongoing commitment underscores the crucial role of diaspora contributions in strengthening Lebanon’s educational sector.

Through its activities, LIFE has successfully mobilised the diaspora, raising $3.1 million for the education programme in 2023. This investment in education provides Lebanese students with the skills and opportunities needed to succeed in their careers, thereby contributing to Lebanon’s economic growth and development.

The LIFE Education Programme offers financial aid to Lebanese students in need. They have partnered with prestigious universities both locally and internationally, including the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanese American University (LAU), Université Saint Joseph (USJ), Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK), HEC Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Centrale, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard Business School, London Business School, and others. These collaborations ensure that students embark on a path of excellence from the start of their academic journey to their entry into the labour market.
Furthermore, the education programme, through the LIFE Academy, provides mentoring, training, and job opportunities to enhance their entry into the job market. Students benefit from networking events, career guidance, and mentorship, creating a support system for personal and professional development. All LIFE students secure employment within six months of graduation – 77% of the last cohort found opportunities in Lebanon.
Zeina Farhat, Managing Director of LIFE Generation, stated, “The commitment and solidarity of the Lebanese diaspora through LIFE is truly inspiring. By investing in education, we are not just supporting individual students—we are investing in our country’s only asset, our human capital, laying the foundation for a brighter, more prosperous Lebanon. Our efforts today will empower the next generation to rise above their challenges and be supported by a community of like-minded people, the LIFE Network.”

The Lebanese diaspora’s unwavering support, channeled through LIFE, is proving to be a vital lifeline for Lebanon’s educational sector. LIFE’s governance is central to ensuring that resources are used effectively and ethically. By upholding the highest standards of accountability, LIFE is not only providing essential support but also fostering trust and confidence among its contributors, ensuring that every effort contributes meaningfully to Lebanon’s future.


Lebanese Diaspora Leads the Charge: LIFE’s Impact on Education in Lebanon