Stand For Women and CCI France Liban sign an MOU and strengthen their collaboration

Stand For Women and CCI France Liban have strengthen their partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at ESA Business School, to confirm their collaboration on empowering women and championing sisterhood, through projects such as “Women’s Journeys” which were launched back in 2017.

Both partners share a common vision that women are the catalysts of change and a common mission to inspire women to aspire to leadership roles up to the boardroom.

On this occasion Caroline Fattal, Founder of Stand For Women mentioned: “We’ve been steadfast partners since 2017 and I am so grateful that ESA Business School and CCI France Liban supported our mission since Day 1. Despite our small teams, our collaborative projects have consistently delivered results, fostering a dynamic synergy between us. ESA Business School stands as the first university in Lebanon to champion such initiatives, and I’m thrilled that we have embarked on this journey together. Anticipation fills us as we look forward to commemorating our 15th “Women’s Journeys” before year end.”

To which Maxence Duault, President of CCI France Liban, responded: “I’m delighted to announce the signing of our partnership agreement, strengthening our collaborative efforts since 2017. Through 12 “Women’s Journeys” events and the participation of more than 50 remarkable women sharing their stories, we’ve emphasized the importance of amplifying these narratives for public awareness. Our collective dedication to advancing women’s causes in Lebanon adds even greater significance to our endeavours.”

The signing of this MOU was followed by 2 successful events: firstly the 12th edition of “Women’s Journeys” that took place on December 14th, 2023.

On this occasion, Stand For Women, in collaboration with CCI France Liban, ESA Business School, Berytech, and AUF, hosted the “Women’s Journeys” special Entrepreneurs edition. During the event, an engaging panel discussion took place with Jennifer Mansour, Dr. Gael Abou Ghannam, Carla Saba, and Sabine Skayem; sharing real-life experiences, inspirational stories, and networking opportunities. With a great number of attendees, the evening concluded with a delightful cocktail reception. It was an empowering celebration with women entrepreneurs, offering an evening filled with inspiration and connections!

More recently, the 13th edition of “Women’s Journeys” took place on April 22nd, 2024.

In partnership with the Embassy of Spain in Lebanon, CCI France Liban, ESA Business School, Berytech and AUF, Stand For Women hosted a special 13th Edition of “Women’s Journeys”, From Corporate to Entrepreneurship. This event also marked the 5th edition of “Dialogos En Femenino Plural” launched by the Spanish Embassy. The Ambassador of Spain in Lebanon Jesús Santos, said on this occasion: “While Lebanon is

usually associated with different kinds of crises, it is also an example of resilience through its brave and visionary business community, in which women play a key role”.

The event featured successful women entrepreneurs: Dalia Jaffal, Mona Salameh, Zakieh Karam who shared their experiences of transitioning from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. Additionally, Ramy Boujawdeh joined as a guest speaker, discussing women entrepreneurship and ecosystem activities.


Stand For Women and CCI France Liban sign an MOU and strengthen their collaboration