Statement on the Occasion of International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW)

On this International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, the UAE reaffirms its unwavering commitment to tackling this critical global challenge. While the world produces enough food for all, millions still face hunger – a stark reality fuelled by the staggering amount of food lost and wasted every year. This waste not only undermines global food security but also represents a significant loss of resources, impacting economies and damaging the environment.

The UAE recognises the urgency of this issue and is dedicated to positioning itself as a leader in the Global Food Security Index by 2051. Central to this mission is our commitment to transitioning towards a circular economy, where waste is minimised, and resources are kept in use for as long as possible. We are actively promoting innovative and sustainable practices across the food supply chain, from revolutionising agricultural techniques to enhancing food distribution, storage, and waste management.

But our commitment extends beyond policy. We call upon every individual in the UAE to join us in this fight. By reducing food waste in our homes and making conscious choices that support a circular economy, we can collectively make a significant impact. Every meal saved, every ingredient used wisely, and every effort to compost or recycle food scraps contributes to a healthier planet and a more food-secure future.

Let this day serve as a powerful reminder that our individual actions have global consequences.

Together, let’s champion a world where food is valued, not wasted, and where a thriving circular economy paves the way for a more sustainable and food-secure future for all.

Statement on the Occasion of International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW)