WHITE Village rolls in the second edition and the evolution of Expo WHITE

White Village returns after the great success of turnout found in the September 2023 edition. The program includes public activations, developed and brought to life within the Tortona Fashion District, with the aim of confirming and developing a wealth of concepts of “Fuori Salone” of the fashion week. Events, cocktails, tastings, DJ sets and performances will be organized in the locations of the circuit: WHITE Garden @Superstudio, WHITE Bistrot @PHYD, Botanical Club, MUDEC and the Visconti Pavilion.

At the latter location, running on the same dates as WHITE, the “Looking Back” event will open its doors to an exhibition area set up according to WHITE’s criteria, dedicated to a selection of retro-like clothing and accessories collections, antiques and collectible offerings.

The event was created in collaboration with East Market: Milan’s first vintage event dedicated to individuals and professionals, where everyone can buy, sell and trade: it comprises everything from the most sought-after vintage clothing, the finest handcrafted pieces, the rarest vinyl records to colorful furniture accessories.

These components welcome a wide range of visitors keen to peruse the East Market format, thus creating a real Village in an exclusive entertainment context with bar areas and music until late in the evening.

Our participation to WHITE is an important occasion where B2B and B2C realities collide,” says Linda Ovadia and Gianluca Iovine, founders of East Market. “At the event, we will bring our spirit where fashion, vintage and sustainability meet with our motto, which states that everything old is new again.”

With great excitement, the musical partnership with MTV Italia is confirmed, which will involve its talents in WHITE Village events with different DJ sets every night.
There’s also a willingness to strengthen the collaboration with Botanical Club, a trendy venue in the Tortona District, which will host brunches, lunches, aperitifs and musical entertainment during the day and late into the evening.

Enabling the success of all food and wine events will be a pool of professionals from BioQitchen – the green soul caterer of HQ Food and Beverage Group – who will manage the all-day service at Padiglione Visconti and WHITE Casa and take care of the evening events open to the public at WHITE Village. This, alongside a range of events organized in a broadened capacity.

BioQitchen itself will enrich the program of afternoon activities by bringing content and organizing master classes and workshops at WHITE Casa.

Cultural activities are also planned within the Tortona Fashion District, related to topics such as sustainability, innovation and digitization, as well as insights into the impact artificial intelligence is having on the fashion industry.

The spotlight of WHITE Village is on the leading companies of the Italian production chain, pillars of the fashion industry, therefore deliberately made protagonists during the fashion week.

M.Seventy, WHITE’s organizing company, takes on the role of director for a narrative that focuses on the Italian production chain and emerging creative realities.

In this regard, already in the past WHITE has been the protagonist of the debut of young talents, bridging the gap between designers and the savoir-faire of Italian manufacturing.

From the successful case history, we can certainly mention the Chinese designer Uma Wang, launched by WHITE in 2012, who today has achieved an excellent commercial and media positioning.

Thus, was born a project with endless possibilities of development linked to emerging countries and designers who have shown a desire to approach Made in Italy to enjoy the expertise and know-how of our country’s manufacturers.

For the concrete development of the project, M.Seventy relies on the invaluable collaboration with Daniele Sanzeni, a leading figure in the textile world with more than 35 years of experience in leading companies in the sector.

“When Massimiliano Bizzi told me about his project, I was immediately excited,” Sanzeni enthused. “This is an idea that I had previously tried to share with people and companies in the industry who, while finding it interesting, pointed out its extreme difficulty in implementation. The way this project was conceived, we will be able to achieve the right enhancement of Italian manufacturing excellence during Fashion Week and give them the unique opportunity to confront new realities and worlds otherwise very difficult to approach. Strike for all players.”

The project will be presented on Friday, February 23, on the prestigious stage of the MUDEC Auditorium where, as in September, there will be a rich program schedule moderated by the journalist, radio author and founder of Imaginary Pepe Moder.

The appointment will fall into place in collaboration with TIG Events – a company that has been presiding over the Italian digital, ICT and retail community for more than 15 years, realizing high-profile projects dedicated to digitalization and business innovation topics and building conferences, content and research.

The February 2023 appointment will not miss Fabio Tamburini, CEO of the Albini Group, who, since the beginning together with Massimiliano Bizzi, has outlined the boundaries of this ambitious project.

The topic of the impact within the realm of artificial intelligence across the fashion industry will be analyzed by London-based society Mesmerise: a trusted guide for companies around the world that unlocks the potential of spatial computing, manage the opportunities and mitigate the risks of artificial intelligencewhich will be the protagonist of two talks.

“In the dynamic fashion landscape, where tradition meets innovation, our collaboration with WHITE is a strategic step into the future. Designers, textile manufacturers and fashion houses need to understand the potential of integrating artificial intelligence and spatial computing into their workflows. This collaboration goes beyond technology: it is about shaping a sustainable, forward-looking fashion industry. We are paving the way in combining the art of fashion with the science of technology, ensuring that the industry remains cutting-edge and relevant,” said Daglar Cizmeci, Cofounder and CEO of Mesmerise Group.

Adding further prestige to the schedule, one of the speeches will feature a representative from UNIDO: the United Nations Industrial Development Organization that specializes in promoting and accelerating sustainable development in emerging countries to improve living conditions in the world’s indigent areas.

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