Choose elegance to light up your home this Eid Al Adha

Feasting, gifting, and decorating homes to usher in the festivities; the enthusiasm surrounding Eid Al Adha can get creative and challenging. Reclaim the joy of decorating your homes with a blend of trends and traditions with these simple home design tips.

Dining opulence where food meets aesthetics.

Bonding over hearty meals comes naturally during festivities and with the right kind of dining spaces, you can add warmth and memories. Big dining tables with marble tops pose a classic charm with a modern look, keeping it grand for occasions like Eid. To tone it up further, add an elaborate spread of festive cuisine interspersed with floral and candle-lit arrangements for a welcoming ambiance.

Cozy corners or Insta moods

No matter the size of your home, a true nestling will always cherish that one cozy corner. A tastefully done corner tucked away from the hustle of living areas is a mood lifter. Recliner chairs and sofa sets adds an extra layer of luxury, allowing you to unwind in style while a swing with traditional and elegant golden accents helps you steal a moment from the crowd. A soothing lampshade placed on a corner table accentuated by an original artwork hung on the wall as a backdrop adds individuality to the space.

Simplicity lies in white and gold

Trends are redefining the glitz of gold to make it look sophisticated and modest. Gold embellished frames on furniture pieces like center tables, sofas, chairs, and ottomans weave in modern aesthetics. Add faux fur throws and velvet cushions in rich colors on sofas and lounge chaises to offset the simplicity of white. You can also place some greenery with house plants to cut the monotony while soothing room fragrances can help elevate the festive cheer. Lest we forget to let you know that these minute details can reveal the perfect host in you!

Staying true to your roots

The cultural significance suggests rich and ornate tones to live up to the festive spirit. Heavy rugs are an integral part of the Middle Eastern culture and easily blend in to add warmth to your family spaces. Metal-paneled lanterns on corner tables and pathways set the ambiance for evenings together, while huge mirrors accentuated by metal frames add grandeur. Lighting, food aroma, and room fragrances are significant for setting the mood and must be utilized carefully to curate a culturally rich ambiance.

Of crescents and stars

Crescent moons and stunning stars bring home décor ideas together, whether contemporary or traditional. Pick from a range of knick-knacks to thoughtfully intersperse these festive symbols all over the space. Be it in the form of lampshades, wall buntings, napkin holders, placemats or even artifacts and wall art; the gorgeous glow is a must-have for Eid.

Whilst giving shape to your home décor, do take the time to spruce up the outdoors with LED lamp strings, huge potted plants, and climbers to change the look.

This Eid, invite blessings and compliments for your dwelling with these home décor tips.

Eid Mubarak!

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